Jul 30, 2023Liked by @feesable


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The Sinéad video and your journey in this post is lighting up all the mirror neurons for me! It's all about that FUCK IT energy! Fuck it, why not be myself? Fuck it, who says I can't just write what I want to? Fuck it, why would I let anyone or anything be more important than my own relationship with my inner voice? Yay for creative community and yay for bringing all of yourself to the page. 🌈 💚

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and for all those who think i’m too much (or not enough), or TLDR, or or or.. fuck them, too. i am not for everyone, and everyone is most assuredly not for me. and now i have myself to trust and rely on (for the first time in my life), and Old Ma behind me, i can trust in being able to weather the storms. and holy shit are there storms… oof.

bring on the (gender neutral) crone years, and all the badassery which is inherently built into neuroecoqueerness, hehehe… xx

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